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Legal Conference on Basic Law - Stability to Prosperity

  • Date: 27 May 2022 (Friday)
  • Time:
    08:30 - 17:30 (GMT+8)
  • Organiser(s): Department of Justice
  • Language : Cantonese / Putonghua / English (with Simultaneous Interpretation in Cantonese / Putonghua / English)
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Programme View Video
Opening Ceremony and Welcome Remarks
The Hon Mrs Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, GBM, GBS
The Chief Executive of the HKSAR of the PRC

Mr Wang Ling-gui
Deputy Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council

Mr Chen Dong
Deputy Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the HKSAR
Section Video
Keynote Speech: “One Country, Two Systems” Policy: Development and Way Forward
Mr Shen Chun-yao
Chairperson of the Basic Law Committee of the HKSAR of the Standing Committee of the National Peopleʼs Congress
Section Video
Keynote Dialogue: Staying Abreast of Times ‒ 25 yearsʼ Implementation of the Basic Law
The Hon Ms Teresa Cheng Yeuk-wah, GBM, GBS, SC, JP
The Secretary for Justice

The Hon Ms Maria Tam Wai-chu, GBM, GBS, CBE, JP
Vice-chairperson of the Basic Law Committee of the HKSAR of the Standing Committee of the National Peopleʼs Congress
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Thematic Speech: Interpretation of the Basic Law
The Hon Mr Henry Denis Litton, GBM, JP
Former Permanent Judge of the Court of Final Appeal
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Keynote Speech cum Panel Discussion: Joint Force of the Enactment of the National Security Law and Improvement of the Electoral System ‒ Consolidating the Basics
Prof Zhu Guo-bin
Professor, School of Law of City University of Hong Kong

Mr Deng Zhong-hua
Former Deputy Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, President of the Chinese Association of Hong Kong & Macao Studies

The Hon Mr Tam Yiu-chung, GBM, GBS, JP
Member of the Standing Committee of the National Peopleʼs Congress

The Hon Ms Maggie Chan Man-ki, MH, JP
Deputy to the National Peopleʼs Congress

Prof Wong Yuk-shan, SBS, BBS, JP
Member of the Basic Law Committee of the HKSAR of the Standing Committee of the National Peopleʼs Congress

The Hon Mr Tang Ping-keung, PDSM, JP
The Secretary for Security
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Panel Discussion: Hong Kongʼs Blooming Capitalist System ‒ Chapter V of the Basic Law
Dr Anthony Neoh, SC, JP
Chairman of the Asian Academy of International Law

The Hon Mrs Laura Cha Shih May-lung, GBM, GBS, JP
Chairperson of the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited

Mr Norman Chan Tak-lam, GBS
Former Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority

Mr Ashok S. Kothari
Managing Director and Senior Partner of Asia Pacific Capital (HK) limited

Mr Zhang Jian-ping
Director General of the Center for Regional Economic Cooperation of Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation of the Ministry of Commerce
Section Video
Panel Discussion: Why is the Common Law So Important to Hong Kongʼs Free Economy?
Prof the Hon Mr Arthur Li Kwok-cheung, GBM, GBS, JP
Member of the Basic Law Committee of the HKSAR of the Standing Committee of the National Peopleʼs Congress

The Hon Mr Justice Patrick Chan Siu-oi, GBM
Non-Permanent Judge of the Court of Final Appeal

Prof Albert Chen Hung-yee, GBS, JP
Member of the Basic Law Committee of the HKSAR of the Standing Committee of the National Peopleʼs Congress

Dr Thomas So Shiu-tsung, JP
Former President of the Law Society of Hong Kong

Mr Johnny Mok Shiu-luen, SC, BBS
Member of the Basic Law Committee of the HKSAR of the Standing Committee of the National Peopleʼs Congress
Section Video
Media interview: Walk the Talk
Dr the Hon Mr Allan Zeman, GBM, GBS, JP,
Chairperson of Lan Kwai Fong Group

Mr Hans Michael Jebsen, BBS
Chairperson of Jebsen Group

Mr Eric Ma Siu-cheung, GBS, JP
Chief Executive Officer of NWS Holdings Limited

Dr the Hon Mr Simon Lee Ho-ey, MH, JP
Chief Strategy Officer (Greater Bay Area) of China Resources Group

Mr Toni Younes
Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Paul Lafayet
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